Jimmy Colombo
Moved to Parkersburg in 1954 when his father founded Colombo’s Restaurant.
Married Sharon Mellinger in 1963 and have four children: Susan, James Michael, Kristin and Brian.
Education received: PCHS graduate, AA Degree WVUP, BA Degree Marietta College, Honorary BS Degree from WVU.
Current Boards and Commissions
- Enhanced 911 Communications Advisory Board
- Wood County Fire Service Board
- Wood County Planning Commission
- Wood County Recreation Commission
- Wood-Washington-Wirt Interstate Planning Commission
Brief Summary of past accomplishments:
Elected Mayor of Parkersburg 1996-2006 and filled vacancy 2014-2015.
As Mayor, working with Council:
- Received a Governor’s Grant which refurbished the Council and Mayor desks in the Chamber, replaced the carpet in the chamber and the 2nd floor and purchased all new furniture for the 2nd floor.
- Received a three million dollar grant from the Governor to help with the completion of Point Park.
- Replaced sidewalks with brick inserts, planters and installed period lighting on Market Street from 4th to 9th Streets.
- Installed lighting and built 13 parking spots under the walk way to the City Building.
- Worked to make the City become a Tree City USA. Started a planting program which included Southwood Park, City Park and Broadway Avenue.
- At City Park built a performing stage area to the band shell to allow entertainment.
- Worked with Artsbridge to develop free Thursday night concerts at the band shell.
- Built a 50 car parking lot next to the pavilion in the City Park and installed period lighting throughout the park.
- Received a grant to replace the filter system at the swimming pool, repaved tennis courts.
- Worked with the Spartan foundation to replace and add basketball courts and three pickle ball courts. Replaced playground equipment and added handicap equipment.
- Put in Police substations in the City Park.
- Chaired the initial 8 County Regional Workforce Investment for 7 years.
- Built parking garage on Juliana Street.
At Southwood Park
- Installed period lighting.
- Built gazebo and filled in low areas and added additional playground equipment, more parking spots and trees.
- Worked with volunteers and volunteered equipment to clean out Wards Run from Hardee’s in Southside to the Little Kanawha River.
- Working with the Parkersburg Utility Board and Congressman Mollohan to install a large water line to the area where Hino is now.
- Worked with the builder promoting the building of Lowes and Walmart in South Parkersburg.
- Put a police substation by Fire Station in South Parkersburg.
- Worked with Library group and offered them free city land by the Fire Station. Then they later decided to build new South Side Library at that location.
Appointed by the Governor to the Parole Board 2008-2014.
Received additional computer training on classes and types of drugs, effects of drugs, rehabilitation of drugs, etc. Worked in teams of three, interviewed 50+ parole candidates eligible for parole a week. Took classes on working with people, anger management, self-protection.
Elected to the County Commission in 2016 and 2022.
County Commissioners working as a team:
- We refinanced outstanding loans for better interest rates.
- Hired an auditor to review our jail bill to ensure correct payments.
- Worked with County Administrator, Marty Seufer on health plans for the employees.
- Worked with Sheriff’s Department continually keep our moving fleet upgraded and in good condition.
- Took advantage of Federal Grant and purchase new voting machines.
- During the pandemic, worked with all County and State agencies.