Fall Scavenger Hunt Winners
The first and second-place winners of the Fall Scavenger Hunt sponsored by the Parkersburg-Wood County Library were recognized Thursday by the Wood County Commissioners. Participants in the contest were asked to find 11 artifacts/historical markers inside and outside the courthouse. The contest ran for two days over a 3-week period. The top winner was Bobbi Irvine who received a reprint of an Oct. 5, 1899 photograph taken when the cornerstone for the current courthouse was put into place. The second-place winner was Roger Nedeff who was given a reprint copy of a history of Wood County book written in the 1800s by Alvaro Gibbens.
Photo – (From Left to Right) Wood County Commission President Blair Couch; Commissioner Jimmy Colombo; Bobbi Irvin; Roger Nedeff; Robin Yarzab, genealogist at the library and Commissioner Bob Tebay.